Monday, January 12, 2015

Time flies!

Okay so a lot has happened since the last time I've talked to y'all. Like I had my first goat show  I got 5th place but oh well... my goal q was not to get last, my text is actung  acting weird and I if I try to backspace it will make me start over so you will get to t  read my really bad post that has strikethroughs in it.  In case you are wondering which you most lk likely aren't but oh well, my basketball team hasn't won a game which os  is kinda awkward feeling but life moves on. Another thing is that I ggot accepted to the BME which is the business, management and Entuership  aka its an academy at a new high ch school which will only have 10th and 9 tth graders, Hope everyone had a fabulous holidays!!! :)                              Sorry about the spelling.